# Introduction

Text Magix Pro

This simple tool is designed for content writers who need to convert text to match style case frequently. It's also useful for people who want to post some interesting text on their social media, such as: β€œ!dlrow olleh”, β€œ#hello #world”. Or wanting to post fun secret message on social media to see who can read it (some tech companies use base64 encoded message in their hiring poster, just some cool stuff for tech people 😁). With this app, you can read these kind of message straight away. Fast and easy.

This app offers various options for converting text, including:

β€’ Title Case

β€’ URL Encoded

β€’ URL Decoded

β€’ Uppercase

β€’ Lowercase

β€’ Capitalise

β€’ Reversed

β€’ Camel Case

β€’ Snake Case

β€’ Hashtags

β€’ Base64 Encoded (Secret Message)

β€’ Base64 Decoded (Secret Message)

For quicker access, go to Settings and pick styles that you need.

** This app (Text Magix) is used for text formatting and for fun only. Its not designed for text encrypting. Don't use it for any security purposes.